August 2011
BIO Deutschland participates in Health Made in Germany, an export initiative by the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology
The launch took place on 22 August 2011 when the Federal Minister of Economics and Technology, Philipp Rösler, and the Federal Minister of Health, Daniel Bahr, presented the Federal Economics Ministry’s Health Made in Germany export initiative at a press conference in Berlin.
In the run-up to the initiative, BIO Deutschland and other lobby groups from the sector compiled a biomanufacturing guide. The publication was coordinated by Germany Trade & Invest.
In Philipp Rösler’s opinion, “health care […] is one of our most important sectors and presents opportunities for the future. A great deal of potential is still untapped, particularly in the export sector. The objective of our Health Made in Germany export initiative is to exploit this potential, thus stabilising economic growth in Germany. Greater cooperation is essential in the export of health services, particularly between small and medium-sized companies. The Health Made in Germany export initiative therefore aims to connect German companies with their customers and partners abroad. The initiative will provide start-up help to companies in the health care sector. Afterwards, it will be up to companies themselves. The idea is that the initiative will be handed over to the business sector after a certain period.”
The export initiative’s website was also launched on 22 August 2011. It includes the wide range of information that you sent us (
The biomanufacturing directory can be downloaded as a PDF file at