February 2009

British and Spanish Biotech Organisation to Attend this Year’s Business Development Conference on 24 and 25 June in Munich

"Best Times for Good Deals? How Biotech and Pharma Could Now Be Partners" is the title of the international business development conference to be held on 24 and 25 June in Munich. The conference is co-organised by BIO Deutschland and Emerging Biopharmaceutical Enterprises (EBE) and will take place for the third time.

Further European biotechnology industry associations will support the event this year, namely the British BioIndustry Organisation (BIA) and the Spanish Asociación Española de Bioempresas (ASEBIO).

The event is open to around 100 participants (places are limited) and will focus on close cooperation between international pharmaceutical firms, European biotech companies and representatives from the venture capital sector. The topics to be discussed include "Partnering for Proof of Concept or Develop it Yourself and Sell Late (or Never)?", “To Small to be Seen? How Europe’s Biotech Companies Can Attract More Attention" and "Personalised Medicine or Rare Diseases: Are Niche Markets the Guarantee for Future Successes?"

Apart from the opportunity to network with important decision makers from the pharmaceutical, biotech and venture capital sectors, firms will also be able to give a talk about their work in one of eighteen slots scheduled for company presentations.

The complete programme and further details will shortly be sent by post. If you are interested in receiving an invitation, please get in touch with BIO Deutschland by telephone (+49-30-3450 593-30) or by sending a short message with your contact details to events@biodeutschland.org.

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