November 2013

New Brochure: “Health – Made in Germany. Biotechnology for Health, Nutrition and Well-being”

With help from BIO Deutschland, the new company directory “Health – Made in Germany. Biotechnology for Health, Nutrition and Well-being” was produced by the Medical Biotechnology Working Group of the export initiative for the healthcare sector run by Germany Trade and Invest. The aim of the publication, which will primarily be distributed at leading trade fairs outside Germany, is to inform potential international customers about the products and services offered by German biotechnology. This third brochure by the working group, which already published the “Guide to Contract Research in Germany” and the “German Biomanufacturing Guide”, deals with companies that conduct research and produce goods at the interface between white and red biotechnology and cover the health, food supplements and nutrition markets.

A copy of the brochure can be downloaded at the following link:

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