March 2013

Press Release: Inauguration of BIO Deutschland’s New Office on 28 February 2013

Research and Innovation are the Future
BIO Deutschland Calls for Greater Support for Innovative Small and Medium-sized Enterprises

At a reception on 28 February 2013 to mark the inauguration of its new office in the centre of Berlin, BIO Deutschland, the German sector association of the biotechnology industry, called on policymakers to provide greater support to innovative small and medium-sized enterprises.

 “We entrepreneurs in the biotechnology sector are facing the challenges of the 21st century: nutrition, health, the switch to renewables, security, and environmental protection,” said Peter Heinrich, Chairman of the Board of BIO Deutschland in his welcoming speech. “Our technologies, processes and products are paving the path to a sustainable economy. This is why investments should be made here and why the right sort of conditions must be created in order to expand this sector further.”

Michael Kretschmer, Member of the Bundestag, then reiterated these demands in his speech on the future of research and innovation in the private sector. “Young technology companies and innovative small and medium-sized companies in particular are hidden champions that have reached many leading positions in global markets. These firms are essential buttresses and important engines of technological progress.”

Around 100 guests from business and politics attended the late morning reception in the foyer of the association’s building.

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Dr Peter Heinrich
Photo: BIO Deutschland
Michael Kretschmer,
Member of the Bundestag
Photo: BIO Deutschland

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