Position papers 2019
Open Letter from the associations of the agricultural and food sector regarding the judgment of the European Court of Justice on new breeding methods
The judgment of the European Court of Justice (ECJ) in case C-528/16 of 25 July 2018 on the application of targeted mutagenesis using new breeding methods causes great concern in the entire agricultural and food sector.
Position paper on Climate change mitigation with sustainable renewable fuels
Making use of existing sustainable options to reduce greenhouse gases in transport, encouraging the development of new technologies
Position paper on financing innovation with venture capital
Germany has structural weaknesses when it comes to key areas of innovation financing. BIO Deutschland has already examined this issue in detail in two previous position papers, one on innovation financing in Germany and the other on how to improve the financing of innovative small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).
Position - Comments on the Guidelines 3/2018 on the territorial scope of the GDPR (Article 3) of the European Data Protection Board
BIO Deutschland thanks for the opportunity to comment on the European Data Protection Board`s “Guidelines 3/2018 on the territorial scope of the GDPR (Article 3)”. Especially the issue of the representative of the controller or processor has some impact on the conduct of clinical trials in the European Union by non-EU sponsors.